The fifth day of TAR was our shortest day – and a day for recovery. The „Bergsprint“ up to the mountain Motta Naluns (approx. 6 kilometres and almost 1000 metres in elevation) was our challenge for today. First time we had not to take all our stuff with our bagsack and first time we were …
Kategorie: Transalpine-Run 2011
What a great day – what a great stage 4! Today was the day of the high mountains and beautiful sceneries! Today was a beautiful sunny day – even if it started with 4 degrees in the morning. But the breakfast was very good and the best was that my teampartner Thomas was responsible for …
The days here have their different challenges: The heat on day 1, the long distance and elevation yesterday – and today the very bad weather. The race-director and his team decided yesterday in the evening to cancel the planned route due to heavy weather conditions on the first mountain top (thunderstorms predicted). But the new …
Yeah – we did it! We passed the longest and hardest stage of any Transalpine-Run: almost 54 kilometres and more than 2500 metres in ascend. For me this was the longest run ever and it is a great feeling that I can achieve very high goals even if you can not estimate this before! Today …
Wow – what a first day! The promise from moderator before starting the race was not wrong: „For today it is not the HIGHWAY TO HELL“ (the song is played before every TAR day) – „Today the trails will be the HIGHWAY TO PARADISE!“ 🙂 Even it was very hot during some uphills the trails …