Transalpine-Run/TAR – I am coming…

Of course I was aware of the possibility to find a team partner and to start with the Transalpine-run when I was chosen for the trailrun-camp in the Dolomites.
But there was still no decision for this – too big was the respect for this very special and one of the hardest trailrunning events.
I was unsure if I am fit enough for this and if this project may be over my head (or „legs“). This scepticism is still there, but I decided to start!

Why that?! 😉
The trailrun-camp in the Dolomites was so amazing – beside all other things I was very fascinated by the „real“ trailrunning experience in mountains higher than 1000 meters, impressed by the great landscape and pushed by very much adrenaline over the 4 days.

And the good feeling during/after training runs and the long run even in this level of altitude > 2000m reduced all my doubts as a runner from a flat area in Germany who is not used to run in the mountains.
The uphills were definetely no problem – and for the downhills I tried to work on my technique with Beni Hug during his training sessions.

Overall there was so much fun (and so less pain) in the mountains – what I never expected before!

And in the Dolomites I experienced that I don’t have to be afraid for strong/changing weather in the mountains.
As the new GORE-TEX®-jacket and other stuff from GORE showed me during long run on Saturday in the Dolomites: With good and professional equimpent all different weather situations are no problem.

And last but not least: I found the perfect team partner!
I will start with Thomas from Denmark (as Franky told him „The Danish dynamite“).
We were connected by the matter of fact to be „flat land runners“ on first evening directly – and comprehended deeper very fast.
During long run on Saturday in strong rain we were singing and motivating each other and the others from our group and had so much fun together (beside interesting and deep conversation).
And very important: We have an agreement to take care of the coffee-support for the team partner in the morning since the first breakfast. Even if we needed a replacement with „POWERBAR® PROTEIN PLUS Riegel – Cappuccino“ on Saturday this worked very well the days in the Dolomites. 😉

So overall there is not any doubt that he is the perfect team partner!

Additionaly we were chosen as one of the teams for the documentation about the Transalpine-run and will be accompanied by a movie team durng the run.
So there will be more information/pictures/a movie after TAR – and until/during TAR we will try to keep you informed by postings here, more information and hopefully the live-tracking – if this will technically work over three different countries in September…

SEE/read you! 😉

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